All named Organic Reactions in One PDF - Wiley - Named Organic Reactions

All named organic reactions in one roof, one of the best book suggested by best mentors of IIT-JEE and NEET. - Wiley Named Organic Reactions   


Thomas Laue and Andreas Plagens are the authors of Named Organic Reactions, 2nd Edition, published by Wiley.


Introduction to the 2nd Edition.

Acyloin Ester Condensation.

Aldol Reaction.

Alkene Metathesis.

Arbuzov Reaction.

Arndt–Eistert Synthesis.

Baeyer–Villiger Oxidation.

Bamford–Stevens Reaction.

Barton Reaction.

Baylis–Hillman Reaction.

Beckmann Rearrangement.

Benzidine Rearrangement.

Benzilic Acid Rearrangement.

Benzoin Condensation.

Bergman Cyclization.

Birch Reduction.

Blanc Reaction.

Bucherer Reaction.

Cannizzaro Reaction.

Chugaev Reaction.

Claisen Ester Condensation.

Claisen Rearrangement.

Clemmensen Reduction.

Cope Elimination Reaction.

Cope Rearrangement.

Corey–Winter Fragmentation.

Curtius Reaction.

1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition.

[2Y2 ] Cycloaddition.

Darzens Glycidic Ester Condensation.

Del´epine Reaction.

Diazo Coupling.


Diels–Alder Reaction.

Di-p-Methane Rearrangement.

D¨otz Reaction.

Elbs Reaction.

Ene Reaction.

Ester Pyrolysis.

Favorskii Rearrangement.

Finkelstein Reaction.

Fischer Indole Synthesis.

Friedel–Crafts Acylation.

Friedel–Crafts Alkylation.

Friedl¨ander Quinoline Synthesis.

Fries Rearrangement.

Gabriel Synthesis.

Gattermann Synthesis.

Glaser Coupling Reaction.

Glycol Cleavage.

Gomberg–Bachmann Reaction.

Grignard Reaction.

Haloform Reaction.

Hantzsch Pyridine Synthesis.

Heck Reaction.

Hell–Volhard–Zelinskii Reaction.

Hofmann Elimination Reaction.

Hofmann Rearrangement.

Hunsdiecker Reaction.


Japp-Klingemann Reaction.

Knoevenagel Reaction.

Knorr Pyrrole Synthesis.

Kolbe Electrolytic Synthesis.

Kolbe Synthesis of Nitriles.

Kolbe–Schmitt Reaction.

Leuckart–Wallach Reaction.

Lossen Reaction.

Malonic Ester Synthesis.

Mannich Reaction.

McMurry Reaction.

Meerwein–Ponndorf–Verley Reduction.

Michael Reaction.

Mitsunobu Reaction.

Nazarov Cyclization.

Neber Rearrangement.

Nef Reaction.

Norrish Type I Reaction.

Norrish Type II Reaction.


Paterno–B¨uchi Reaction.

Pauson–Khand Reaction.

Perkin Reaction.

Peterson Olefination.

Pinacol Rearrangement.

Prilezhaev Reaction.

Prins Reaction.

Ramberg–B¨acklund Reaction.

Reformatsky Reaction

Reimer–Tiemann Reaction.

Robinson Annulation.

Rosenmund Reduction.

Sakurai Reaction.

Sandmeyer Reaction.

Schiemann Reaction.

Schmidt Reaction.

Sharpless Epoxidation.

Simmons–Smith Reaction.

Skraup Quinoline Synthesis.

Stevens Rearrangement.

Stille Coupling Reaction.

Stork Enamine Reaction.

Strecker Synthesis.

Suzuki Reaction.

Swern Oxidation.

Tiffeneau–Demjanov Reaction.

Vilsmeier Reaction.

Vinylcyclopropane Rearrangement.

Wagner–Meerwein Rearrangement.

Weiss Reaction.

Willgerodt Reaction.

Williamson Ether Synthesis.

Wittig Reaction.

Wittig Rearrangement.

Wohl–Ziegler Bromination.

Wolff Rearrangement.

Wolff–Kishner Reduction.

Wurtz Reaction.


"…the clarity of the text and the extensive coverage would make this an excellent book for a graduate student or upper-level chemistry major. Practicing organic chemists…might also find it a worthy addition to their personal libraries." (Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, January 26, 2006)

"…an indispensable resource…the essential nature of each of the reactions addressed in the book is presented in sufficient detail…" (Journal of Chemical Education, December 2005)

"This book is an essential guide to named organic reactions for chemistry students, organic chemists, and chemists in general." (Chemical Educator, May/June 2005)


  • Concentrates on the essential reactions
  • Serves the needs of students preparing for organic chemistry exams
  • 2nd edition reacts to new developments and updates all entries
  • The concept was prepared based on the experiences of students
  • The new paperback version offers books at an attractive student price. 

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